Baba Neem Karoli

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Posted in: neem karoli baba

Neem karoli baba brings peace to a woman

This recent experience was sent to me by a Christian devotee of Neem karoli baba, also a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. —————————————————————————- This is a recent Neem Karoli Baba experience that I had. It was in the mid of April 2024 that I saw some messages and posts regarding Neem karoli baba in […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba miracles

A lady gets her dream come true- By His Grace

A lady gets her dream come true- By his grace Let us name her Elizabeth. She was living in a city which is near to Uttarakhand. She had a dream from childhood to have a home in the mountains. She tried all she could since many years and also she tried to but a home […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba temples

Kainchi Dham consecration day 15th June 2023

Kainchi dham consecration day 15th June 2023 On the onset itself let me be very clear that being there walking on that path amidst the crowd, feeling the grace deep in your heart, crying slowly and shedding tears of love is nothing less than a miracle because you are one of the few lacs of […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba miracles

Neem Karoli Baba sends the blanket

There was a call to a devotee of Maharaj Ji late at night and the caller asked about the temple of neem karoli baba in Jaipur. So, he replied that there is no temple in Jaipur and told about the other temples of which he was aware. The matter ended there. A few days later […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba temples

Neem Karoli Baba Sankat Mochan Hanuman Setu temple Lucknow

Neem Karoli Baba sankat mochan Hanuman Setu temple Lucknow My first effort to reach the Hanuman Setu temple It was in the winter of 2018 I planned to go to Lucknow the capital of Uttar Pradesh. I booked my ticket and it was a waitlisted one. I told Sharma Ji to do something about it […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba miracles

Neem Karoli baba shows light in the darkness

Neem Karoli baba shows light in the darkness. All the names dates and everything is changed, but the incident is true because I was told about it on the phone and by email. A broken heart real story you wouldn`t like to miss. Read more. Neem Karoli baba saved an 82 years old covid Patient: […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Dada Mukherjee talks about Hanuman: Florida 1985

Dada Mukherjee Talks about Hanuman in Florida 1985 About this speech of Dada (“The last Gurupurnama festival of his life was on 20 July 1997. This time also there was an enormous crowd like other times. The health of the revered dada was very poor. On this virtuous occasion, when all the devotees sat around […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Neem Karoli Baba resets destiny

Just One Darshan Govind and Gayatri met on the road in Afghanistan in 1970. They traveled together to India, where Govind learned to make jewelry according to traditional Indian methods. Their one encounter with Maharajji shows just how powerful even a single unexpected darshan can be in changing the course of a life. GOVIND: We […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Dwarkanath Bonner Taos on Neem Karoli Baba

“HIS LILA” with ME Dwarkanath Bonner remembers the lilas of neem karoli baba  As a teenager, for the first time in my life that I can recall, I became interested in the Gospels of Jesus, the lives of the saints, yoga, etc. I met Sri Neem Karoli Baba’s American disciple, Baba Ram Dass, who told […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

दादा मुख़र्जी के विषय में रधुनाथ पाण्डेय जी के सद्वचन

‘समर्थ गुरु-समर्पित शिष्य’ बिनु गुरु भवनिधि तरै न कोई|जौ विरंची शंकर सम होई| मानस  के प्रसंग में यह पंक्तियाँ अपना अर्थ गौरव पाठक के मानस पटल पर किस स्टार तक स्थापित करती हैं इसे तो मानस मर्मज्ञ ही जाने किन्तु प्रोo सुधीर मुखर्जी ‘दादा’ जी द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “संत कृपामत” (By His Grace) इस सत्य […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Sudhir Mukherjee “Dada” in words of Anjani O` Connell

Remembering Dada How to describe sudhir mukherjee Dada? What was the attraction that kept me coming to Allahabad when I visited India for twenty-five years after first meeting him and Didi there in the winter of 1971? There is a quote: “for those who know, no explanation is necessary; for those who don’t know no […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba teachings

सक्सेना जी को नीम करोली बाबा ने लीला दिखाई

एक भक्त द्वारा ‘बाबा जी’ का प्रथम दर्शनकानपुर में बाबा जी ने बम्बई से अपने एक भक्त को बुलाया था। दिये गये पते के अनुसार वह भक्त  घाट पर पहुँचा और उसने बाबा जी के दर्शन किए। वहां पर भी एक विशेष घटना घट गई। भक्त ने कुछ लिखने के लिये कलम माँगी, पर उस […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Neem Karoli baba writes Ram Ram in copy

Write Ram-Ram again in the children’s notebookMay 24, 1977 TuesdaySatsang is held from 6:30 in the evening with the inspiration of Pujya Maharaj Ji. This happens only in ‘Kirtan Bhawan’. In this, about one hundred and fifty people, children, old people, women, men participate and get prasad. Tea lovers devotees also drink tea and sit […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

Neem karoli baba finishes the kheer

Neem Karoli Baba finished the whole kheer. Read in the words of Kamala didi: 14-11-1976 Professor Sao was asking to offer Kheer Prasad to Poojya Maharaj Ji for many days. I said that I will definitely offer it when it is a holiday. This year, on the 13th and 14th of November, 1976, a holiday […]

Posted in: neem karoli baba

neem karoli baba miracles: his footprints

Neem karoli baba miracles: His footprints are all over the places in the Red House, the home of dada Mukherjee. An Experience “foot prints” Darshan’ 28-10-1975 I returned from the office that day at 5.20 pm. Seeing some movement in the house, I realized that some new miracle has been shown by Poojya Maharaj ji. […]

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