Baba Neem Karoli

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Maharaj ji brings peace in heart
Posted in: neem karoli baba

Neem karoli baba brings peace to a woman

This recent experience was sent to me by a Christian devotee of Neem karoli baba, also a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba.


This is a recent Neem Karoli Baba experience that I had.

It was in the mid of April 2024 that I saw some messages and posts regarding Neem karoli baba in the Shirdi Sai Naam Japa group I am part of. I have known neem karoli baba since I was studying in school but never bothered to read about or know Baba in-depth since most of the Westerners who came to him were hippies / LSDers, or so I thought.

Since the members shared some pictures and posts, it piqued my interest and started to read about baba. I came to know that baba is a powerful guru who had amazing leelas at will. I started to save the pictures and write ups about baba.

Neem karoli baba Hanuman Setu temple Lucknow

I was getting attracted towards Neem baba but then I thought to myself that I have other Gurus with me and I thought not to pursue Neem baba in depth. I was happy following Shirdi Sai and Ramana. So, within a week I decided to stop pursing neem baba and delete the notes that I have taken on Baba

On the 22 of April 2024, I checked if there are any groups on Reddit (A social media platform but where we can maintain our anonymity) regarding Neem karoli baba. I was actively following Facebook and Instagram pages on Neem baba. When I checked the reddit group I found that its not an active group and the posts that happen where very few, nothing of much import. And also, less than 400 members, which is way too low for a public group. I was hesitant to join since I knew that no learning is going to happen in this group, since its almost a dormant group.

Dada Mukherjee Talks in Florida about Hanuman

I had decided to delete all the notes and pictures I have taken / researched, until then, on Neem baba since I decided not to pursue baba anymore.

I had come into Sai fold on April 04, 2023. And since then, I have been doing prayers to Sai. Ramana too, is a saint I adore.

But I decided that I join the group, which proved to be a turning point.

On the 23rd of April, morning at 10 am, I see a notification of a post in the Neem baba group in reddit.

It was a message, or a call for help from someone. I have rephrased it below, to protect the identity.

I’ve been going through a really trying time right now. I want to leave my poisonous home because I’m being put in unimaginable circumstances. My psychological well-being has suffered. Will Baba encourage or assist me? I’ve been trying my hardest to get out of here and maintaining faith in him. However, everything feels really challenging. Please feel free to offer advice or anything else.

Something made me message the person and came to know that it’s a woman at the other end literally calling for help. She wanted to talk, and remembering Neem baba I shared my personal number. A big No-No for a totally anonymous platform like Reddit. I prayed to Neem Baba in case something goes awry.

She confided a lot of her problems and came to know that she’s being emotionally abused by her father for marriages. He seems to be a narcissistic person who abuses the family. Although she is working from home, she is not allowed to interact socially nor have friends nor go out in public. She seemed to me like a cheerful person and an innocent one, who is being robbed out of the basic privileges of life. The father frequently fought with her to repay his money which he has spent on her, for her livelihood and education. A very toxic household. Will Baba encourage or assist me? Was the pertinent question she asked me. And will justice be delivered to her.

Neem karoli baba turns his photo eastwards

I spoke to her in length about Neem baba and the miracles he did for the people. I sent her YouTube videos of Baba chanting Ram Ram. And impressed her about the power of Baba to bring about changes in lives of the people devoted to him.
She was harming herself by cutting her hands and palms, until the previous day. And having depressive episodes and crying every hour. I spoke to her. Tried to calm her nerves down. And wished her the best.

Later that evening, she told me she didn’t have any crying episodes. And the next day she messaged me that she hasn’t harmed herself, in any way. Baba has worked a miracle, it seems.

Which in turn increased my faith in Baba.

Some of the amazing co incidences that turned out were,

– She’s from Dehra dun, a 6-hour journey from Kainchi Dham, UP. She hasn’t visited Baba’s ashram ever. She wasn’t allowed to, to be precise.

– Her mother is a devotee of Shirdi Sai (She’s a kind person by the daughter’s description, but made voiceless by the abusive husband / father).

– Some of the surprises she sent me, is listed out here, in her own words.

“It could be because he might have made you to be around me”
“This is so like I needed help and you were collecting the things in the google drive”
“And you texted me on Reddit”
“I never use Reddit never”
“It’s for the first time I did”
“It was cry for help”

Baba has worked a small miracle thru me. It increased my faith in him.

I restarted my daily Hanuman Chalisa chant on the same day I had the call with her. I was extremely happy that Neem baba made me a channel to reach her in her hour of need.

And within a week, I see a monkey on the compound wall of my house. We have been staying here in this house for the past 35 years. Never has anyone in my family spotted a monkey for all the years that we stayed here. It was in an afternoon after lunch, did I spot him running on the backyard compound wall of my house. I scrambled myself to get my phone to take a picture, but he escaped at the nick of time.

One or two acquaintances of mine told me that it’s a divine sighting and that’s why I couldn’t take a picture of him.

Jai Maharaj ji !

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