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dada mukherjee talk about Hanuman his lecture in Florida 1985 Must read for all devotees of Maharaj Ji
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Dada Mukherjee talks about Hanuman: Florida 1985

Dada Mukherjee Talks about Hanuman in Florida 1985

About this speech of Dada

(“The last Gurupurnama festival of his life was on 20 July 1997. This time also there was an enormous crowd like other times. The health of the revered dada was very poor. On this virtuous occasion, when all the devotees sat around the revered dada with a desire to hear something from him, he could not keep quiet and shared some of his unforgettable thoughts with everyone.

This last message given by him was taped by the devotees which is saved as his last words. At the same time, Dada had expressed his desire that today’s thoughts are maha-mantra given by neem karoli baba thus it should be delivered to all the devotees. Through this Mahamantra all the wishes of all persons are fulfilled. So as per his wish, It is being published by neeb Karori Satsang Church lane.

Neem Karoli baba resets destiny:

Apart from this, the other last pages of the booklet contain the views expressed by Mr. Dada ji, Hanuman ji, during his 1985 visit to Florida (America).

All the devotees in the USA especially Wily Wiram who for Sanskrit professor at the Univeristy of oxford at that time and who later moved to Cambridge University, urged Dada to speak about Hanuman|

Dada expressed his inability to do so saying that he has not read Valmiki Ramayana or Tulidasji Ramcharitmanas and neither has he read Hanuman Chalisa ever.

But when the devotees urged him strongly then he agreed saying that “although I have not read these scriptures but I have lived with Hanuman himself” So I will share and he started his speech.

It was very beautiful and historic. While giving the speech, he came to know about duration when the whole hall resonated with the thunderous applause for a long time. This speech of the revered Mr. Dada ji also became unforgettable for all of us just like him.

This speech was in the English language and for the devotees, it was translated by shri Indresh Pandey Ji in a short span of time.)

(This is Hindi to English translation using google tools and my small brain. Please forgive me for my mistakes. The original was in English and I got the Hindi translation and I have translated it back to English. I don’t know whether I have been able to keep the feel as it is- somewhere minutely near will also do)

Some friends asked me to speak about Hanuman. I was thinking that you guys read Hanuman Chalisa every day. Whatever and whoever Hanuman is it is given in the Hanuman Chalisa. You people do not remember Hanuman Chalisa only, but you guys also recite it regularly. What should I say about myself? I have never read Hanuman Chalisa nor sung it. I find myself unable to tell you about Hanuman.

Dwarkanath Bonner on Neem Karoli Baba:

Nevertheless, I have been with Babaji and his devotees. Babaji’s devotees would sometimes sit near him and recite Hanuman Chalisa and sometimes sit in the temple of the ashram. Babaji’s devotees often kept talking about Hanuman ji. Which I sometimes listened wishfully or reluctantly. If I had not experienced that Babaji himself was an incarnation of Hanuman, I would not have been so interested in Hanuman’s life or his actions.

In the beginning, when some devotees used to say that Babaji is the incarnation of Hanuman — or Hanuman himself — I did not believe it. I used to think that this is their only illusion — I used to think how this person can be like Hanuman who had the highest energetic supreme devotion for his master Will he be ready to surrender everything? Hanuman ji sat near his master’s feet and followed his every wish. But after a gradual process and consideration, I was convinced that Baba was not the incarnation of Hanuman ji, he himself was Hanuman.

Whatever I could know about Hanuman; Whatever I could think of Hanuman, is not because of reading Hanuman Chalisa or Ramacharit Manas, but because I myself have been with Hanuman.

Neem karoli baba writes Ram Ram in copy:

 I have already told you about my lack of classical knowledge about Hanuman Ji, yet since you have requested, whatever I know about Hanuman Ji through some books, through Baba ji devotees, or from being with Baba Ji himself I will share with you.

We know that Hanuman came to earth with Rama so that he could help him. Because at that time religion was being destroyed and the burden of sin was increasing on earth. Bad deeds were spreading rapidly throughout the world.

Good-natured and religious people were surrounded by difficulties day by day and they were falling in character since God protects his children, he tries to make their lives barrier-free and good, so God has to incarnate on earth. In the Sanskrit language it is called ‘avatar’— God comes from heaven to earth.

Now imagine how God would live in heaven – in one of his bodies or they would exist as a subtle conscious element – we cannot know this. Yes, this can be said with certainty only when one of us goes to heaven, stay there with God And come back to earth and tell us about it there.

Neem karoli baba finishes Kheer:

When God comes into the world, he has to become a worldly creature and he also has to take care that he is not lost in the world of Maya. He must not become fully involved in the world. At that time God has to take the form of a worldly creature, A body, has to hold to a shape, and at the same time, he will have to take care that they do not only belong to the earth, but they also have their existence in heaven.

Divine incarnations form a unique coincidence. Those bodies are human, animals or other creatures but the feeling(element) in that body, Energy, Consciousness or soul resides, remains completely divine. All the incarnations in the world whether they are Ram, Be Krishna, Be Buddha, Be Jesus, Be Muhammad – In all we see the best combination of body and consciousness.

Foot Prints of neem karoli baba at various placed in 4 church lane:

There is one more thing when the whole world becomes sinful than God’s own divine. Consciousness or God incarnate himself. But when there are small problems; some relatively small tasks are to be done, then these avatars are in the form of monks, saints, which affect a small or relatively large society but not very large one, but the purpose is the same. To reduce the burden of sin from the earth, Make the lives of people of religious and (pious) satvik tendency smooth, do their welfare.

Neem karoli baba turns his photo eastwards:

When Ram, who was Lord Vishnu, was incarnated as human, the demonic powers had dominated the earth, not only on earth but on heaven. Ravana was the one who was leading these demonic powers.

He was capturing most states of the earth, was not conquering human society itself, but also all kinds of natives like ghosts, shemales, serpents were also being dominated by him.

At a time when sinfulness was growing rapidly, the burden of sin was increasing on earth, then to protect the world from demons, for the growth of human soul and happy life, God had to incarnate as Rama.

Now when Lord Rama incarnated on earth, he had to wage a severe war for the destruction of the demons.

Kainchi dham Shri Siddhi Maa temple foundation day:

He required army them for that war Commander, Ambassador, the minister etc. It was required that these employees should be such that they can understand the work of the lord and implement it very efficiently. Only then could Ram succeed in his victory campaign.

We see that when Lord Rama was incarnated, Laxman, Bharata, Shatrughna came as brothers and Sita as wife and Hanuman, the possessor of a very strong and grand personality, was also incarnated.

We know that Ramayana cannot be completed without Hanuman. Without Hanuman, victory over Ravana could not be done. Sita could not be found without Hanuman. How helpless Hanuman’s Rama would have been in accomplishing his purpose. We see Hanuman is always cautious, always awake, He was eager to do everything.

Our first visit to Kainchi Dham:

Hanuman ji had no desire of his own. There was no expectation of his own.

Hanuman Ji did not even have awareness of his body like a yogi in a spontaneous samadhi.

He was always with his master like a shadow.

We also see that such kind of trustworthiness, such dedicated devotion, a mindset where there is no self or sense of self and everything is completely devoted for the lord- completely devoted to the feet of the lord and where there is such a vision that only sees “what I have to do for my master.” This could only happen in Hanuman.

Hanuman didn`t waited for the verbal order but he was ready to do it just by sensing the wish of Lord Rama.

Such sublime devotion, such dedication, we do not find such devotion in any literature of the world or any plot of the world.

Rama’s dignity, Rama’s reputation, was not only through Laxman Bharata or Sita but reached that level only through Hanuman.

Neem Karoli baba saved life of an 82 year old Corona patient:

The question arises as to why Hanuman incarnated as a monkey? Baba ji often said that in some places people are saying that Hanuman is a monkey and they laugh upon Hanuman and do not take Hanuman seriously. They do not take Hanuman seriously as a deity. Some people have a hesitation in worshiping Monkey as a deity.

I know that many people cannot easily accept worshipping Hanuman.

In Bengal people worship Goddess Durga-kali, Shiva, Vishnu but they do not worship Hanuman. Then we have to think that when people have this attitude towards Hanuman then why incarnation of Hanuman was done.

Actually, it is a bizarre mystery, which you and me should know.

Neem Karoli Baba gupt Mandir Mehrauli:

Let me mention one thing in the beginning that all trees, plants, all life originate from seeds. No plant or organism can come to the earth without sowing seeds.

If we look at agriculture, we see that if we want to grow grapes, then we have to sow the seeds of grapes and If you want to sow a banana, you have to plant a banana seed or root.

Similarly, if we want to have money or donkey or humans, we have to have their seeds. The question is that Hanuman who had to accomplish God`s work- was it possible that he could take birth from a normal human seed?

Before considering this question, let us consider another question – we know that if Jesus were born as the son of Joseph, he would have been like other ordinary human beings. Mary and Joseph also had other sons and daughters but they were not like Jesus. Jesus was born in the human body.

Simply putting, neither was he the son of a human Joseph – but in fact – he was the son of God of heaven, Holy Father. This means that the seed that was placed inside Mary was not of Joseph, but it was the seed of divine consciousness.

Similarly, if we think about the origin of Hanuman, he was born as a monkey from Anjana but it was not the reality. You know that Hanuman is called son of winds(pavansut).

Once Anjana was standing on the banks of river and wind-God entered through her ears, she said to the Wind-God, What have you done I am Married!!!.

In reference to the incarnation of Jesus, Angel told Mary “God is incarnating, you will become the mother of God and he will become your son.

4 church lane dada Mukherjee house how to reach Allahabad Prayagraj:

“In the same way Pawana devta told Anjana, “Your virginity or holiness is not destroyed, God will be born as your son. “

Now look at the life of Rama, Rama is the son of Dasharatha. In old age, Dasharatha had the concern that he is devoid of son.

Dasharatha thought that, “I am the master of the wide empire. I have precious gems and all the splendour, but how sad I am that I do not have a single son. ” A successful yajna was organized. Kausalya, Kaikai, Sumitra become mothers from eating Prasad of Kheer.

Now let us consider another main character of the Ramayana which is Sita. She is called Janaksuta or janak nandini which means daughter of Janak but she was not her daughter. She was not born from the seed of Janak.

Raja Janak was ploughing for some religious deed or Karma Kandiya Vidhan and found Sita there. Sita originated from the earth. She was the earth daughter, Sita was the mother earth`s daughter.

Janaka brought her out of there.

Here we get a sense of “concept of divine origin”. When a divine power is incarnated on earth whether it is as a human being or as a snake or in the same way, in some other form, the seed is of the same divine power even if that womb is a woman, or be the womb of a Monkey or any other sattvic creature.

Hanuman was a divine incarnation and came to this earth to serve Rama as Lieutenant or Controller General or Commander-in-Chief or Loyal assistant.

In the ordinary sense, he was in the form of a monkey but the reality was that the divine power descended as a monkey.

You will ask a question why Hanuman incarnated as Monkey?

Neem karoli baba ashram Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh:

He would have incarnated in human form as Laxman, Bharat or shatrughna

If you will think then you will see that the tasks that were to be performed by Hanuman were different than that of Lakshman, Bharat and shatrughna.

We see that when a surgeon goes to a operation theatre he wears a dress which makes him do the surgery comfortably. Those are special clothes which are worn in an operation theatre.

Just like when astronauts go from space to space or other planets, they also have special types of clothes and equipment.

Usually, those astronauts do not use those clothes or devices while on Earth

You see that Hanuman had to do some tasks which were not limited to the earth – but his works were extended to tree branches, mountain peaks and beyond the sea. What kind of creatures, which humans could have jumped over the high peaks?

Which human could spend many days on trees eating only fruits on the branches? which human could sleep on the branches of trees, sleep without shade? Which human could have jumped and crossed the sea without refreshments or aircraft?

What kind of human can burn Lanka without having a long tail like Hanuman? Thus, we see that the kind of work that Hanuman had to do required that kind of body, The same type of height, speed could have been done only in the body of a monkey.

Monkeys can jump, Monkeys can live on trees and they can survive by eating leaves and fruits but humans cannot do this.

Neem Karoli baba saves the house:

Now look – when your country constitutes an army or when the army moves to war, there is a whole system of supplies for the cooperation of the army behind. The larger the army, the bigger their housing problem, Logistics problem remains. For good war results from the army, your government has to take full care of all the things of their facility.

We see that neither Rama nor Sugreev had any such facility by which the entire army will cross the sea and wage a war. Rama needed self-dependent soldiers who will not require food, camping facilities, conveyance.

How was Ram’s situation?? He was wandering in the forest with only Laxman in a state of no means in his hands. As per the requirement of the time, Hanuman was equipped with all the personalities and all the qualities’ as if the astronauts were with all the facilities before sitting in the space ship.

Hanuman had all the qualities for the work needed, he could travel through the sky. He could live on trees. He could lift large mountain rocks and fly. He could cross the sea. Apart from all these qualities, were there some human qualities also in Hanuman? Did he had some divine qualities?

Surely, we would not like to learn to jump from Hanuman, to live on trees, to learn to lift big rocks, because they have no use in our life. For us the best teaching will be to learn as to how a dedicated devotee or assistant is always ready to serve hi Master or Lord.

When we consider Hanuman’s divine qualities or supreme values we become proud of them. These same divine qualities cause so much affection for Hanuman that when we read or think about Hanuman, tears automatically flow from our eyes. So, what is the matter with which our heart gets carried away with beautiful divine qualities

Rama’s position became helpless after Ravana took Sita. Laxman was unable to solicit him. Rama was mourning, his feet were not falling properly on the earth. In such a situation, he moved to a place where Sugreeva lived.

Sugreeva was living on that mountain in the state of helplessness just like Rama. There was only minor difference in their condition. Rama had lost his wife and so did Sugreeva. Ravana had kidnapped the wife of Rama Bali had forcefully taken away the wife of Sugreeva. Sugreeva`s wife had been taken away and so was his kingdom. He lived of the summit of a small mountain.

A Royal heir, who was once the king of that kingdom, was living in the same position and always thought that “I can be killed by Bali at any time.” At the same time Sugriva saw two men with bow and arrow, they are coming towards that forest towards him.

Those people were frightened and thought that surely Bali had sent these people to kill us because Bali could not come to that cursed land on his own. Very frightened, Sugriva told Hanuman, “Please go and find out who those people are?”

Hanuman came to Raman but not in the body of a Monkey but disguised himself as a brahmin who had shikha and wore sutra(sacred thread).

Impressed by Hanuman’s arrival and manner of his conversation, Rama told Laxman,” Oh! Laxman This person seems to have deep knowledge of the scriptures and Vedas and he seems to be the knower of all the scriptures and all the genres of knowledge.”

Ram Dass meets Neem Karoli baba at the ganges:

Look Laxman – the way this person was having a conversation was not just precious Vedic gems but were inspired by such beautiful language, The selection of words was so good that there was not a single unnecessary word in it. Secondly, the expression of this person’s gestures and thoughts was so good that this person seems to be the master of perfect personality and the third thing is in the way of their conversation that their words are very good easy, simple and such that they touch the heart.

Rama said at last, “How lucky is the king who has such a minister, He can get victory in battle without fighting. “Rama has said this about Hanuman in the Kishkindha Kand of Ramayana. Hanuman understood that Vishnu has incarnated as Rama.

Rama has come to lighten the burden of the sin growing on the earth. Hanuman for his service; He has come to work to become his commander. Hanuman recognized his master; he bowed down flat and said, “Lord, I did not recognize you so I came in thus guise please forgive me. You are an ocean of mercy and compassion. You know the weaknesses of your servant”

Hanuman is so clever; He is so intelligent that he understood Rama is in a difficult time at this time and Sugriva is also in the same situation.

The situation was like a story read in some school days – there were two people, there was one blind and the other was lame, both could not do any work separately. lame told to the blind, “I don’t have legs: you have legs, Let us both use your feet, You don’t have an eye, I have eyes; Let us both use these eyes. “Then the lame climbed on the blind. The lame started telling the way and the blind started moving

A similar situation was there as well. Ram was in trouble. He did not have an army; or the commander. Sugriva also had nothing but an army of monkeys. The Monkey army was also unhelpful without qualified leadership. To train that army, Appropriate leadership was needed to equip him with suitable weapons.

A saints bed should not be used by others:

Hanuman thought that here he could do something. Hanuman said to Rama ‘You make a full treaty of friendship with Sugriv. He will cooperate with you in the search for Sita and bring her back and you will help him to return Sugriv’s lost kingdom and his wife. “

After saying this, Hanuman said, “There should be a treaty between you and Sugriv.” After saying so, Hanuman took Ram and Laxman on his shoulders to Sugriv. Hanuman told Sugriv his situation and said that these people were in search of Sita. Then Hanuman ignited Fire. There was a treaty on both sides, considering fire as a witness.

You must have read that Hanuman has been called sankat mochan’ in Hanuman Chalisa because Hanuman always help in crisis times. Wherever there is a problem, where there is difficulty – people always remember Hanuman • – Hanuman comes and liberates us from the crisis. Ram was also in trouble and Sugriva was also in trouble. Who worked in Rama’s crisis; Who ended their crisis is Hanuman – he is “sankat mochan”- The liberator from pain sufferings and crisis.

If we consider Hanuman’s situation of that time, then it makes sense what kind of work he had to do. Hanuman possessed all those qualifications; had everything which was required to do Ram`s work. Hanuman had both physical and intellectual qualities and strength for that task.

From the point of view of physical building, he had energy, omnipotence had the qualities and he was the master of many siddhis. Even from an intellectual point of view, Hanuman was complete— he had intelligence, study on subjects, knowledge and spiritual power.

Those “siddhis” for which the sages perform penance till many births were readily available to Hanuman. Where Hanuman had a restrained melodious voice; At the same time, he also had diplomatic knowledge. Hanuman was a devotee of high authority, he was affectionate. Like a child he was without any bad habits and attractive.

The demons were afraid of Hanuman and the same Hanuman was like a small child to Sita. The demons feared Hanuman and Hanuman worshipped Sita as a mother. He could rise like a giant to climb mountains and become as small as a fly and go anywhere. Hanuman was possessed by so many qualities and characteristics.

Here we find Hanuman as a man who was qualified to accomplish all tasks of his master Rama. To search for Sita monkey army were departing towards all four directions. Hanuman’s army was departing towards the south. They were moving through the dense forests and jungles.

Neem Karoli baba ate kheer made by Kamla Didi:

The army did not have a camp, no logistics, nor was there any system of supply. Nothing was available in that fierce forest. In a few days, the Monkey army started suffering from hunger and thirst. There was no drop water anywhere, the army distraught with thirst. Between all this Hanuman saw a cave from where Some birds were coming out. The bodies of these sparrows were soaked with water. Hanuman thought that “there is a secret passage here that water can be found when leaving.”‘, When entering that cave with the Hanuman army, he saw that a female monk was taking care of the temple and ashram of Lord Shiva. She came to know that it is Rama’s army which is a hungry-thirsty. She fed the army and fed water and then drove the entire army out of a secret passage.

Here too, Hanuman protected the army suffering from hunger and thirst and became sankat mochan.

The Monkey army reached the sea shore, searching for Sita. A full month had almost passed and Sugriva had ordered them that “if you don’t come to know about the other Sita of a month and return back, you will be killed.” Gradually the last timeline was also ending. Sita’s where abouts were not known.

Neem Karoli baba Turned Ganja Water  into milk:

They said “Now there is no hope of finding Sita. We cannot go back to Sugriva because he will kill us all. We will starve and give our lives. Instead of being killed by Sugreva`s spears it will be better that we die of hunger.

“When the whole army was talking about all this in desperation, Jatayu’s brother Sampati came there and he said, “I have been hungry for many days. Many monkeys are going to die here. I will eat them; Sampati began to roam there enthusiastically.

There the apes looked at the Sampati and said “Look! In the war, Jatayu had sacrificed his life to free Sita from Ravana and here he the bird of same clan wants to eat us the Monkey army that is out to find Sita for Rama’s work.

Hearing all this, Sampati said, “Hey what are you saying about Jatayu”? He was my younger brother. “

Knowing the matter, Sampati said, “Oh! Sad that I do not have wings, otherwise I would have gone to Lanka and brought the address and message from there – but still I see from here that Sita is in Lanka and is sitting in a garden “

Now there was a question of who would cross the sea and go across it? The first thing was to cross such a long sea, The second thing was that in a couple of days neither a boat could be built nor a bridge could be built on the ocean.

They would say that, “You are monkeys you can cross the sea.” All kind of talks were going on here. Someone would say “I can go to such a distance” someone else would say, “I will cross the sea but cannot come back” All were telling their respective abilities. But Hanuman was sitting there quietly

Jambavant then said, “Hanuman why are you sitting quietly? You have “full potential; you have all the powers, you are Pawan Sut – the same Pawan Dev who comes to every place without stopping, why have you forgotten your power.” ?”Hanuman was awakened when Jambavant said so. The thing was that when Hanuman was a little boy, he was full of all the powers. He could fly anywhere. He could come anywhere. One day he saw the rising sun and thought that it is an apple and jumped to grab it.

If that would have happened then there would be complete devastation on earth the planets would have lost their balance.

All the gods went to Devraj Indra with Hanuman’s complaint. Indra hit Hanuman with his thunderbolt and Hanuman fell down, from then on he was called Hanuman. His Jaw was broken by the thunderbolt which is called “hanu” in Hindi.

When this happened, Pawana devta and other godsbecame furious on Devraj-Indra. Pawan deva took Dev Hanuman into a cave and stopped his pace. If the wind stops flowing, then the lives of all the creatures get in trouble. At that time only humans or monkeys were not disturbed the gods of heaven also fell into difficulty.

Then all the gods were tensed. They were perplexed about how their life would be protected. All the gods went to the Lord Brahma and said, that “such an incident happened” Brahma said, “Let’s go to Hanuman’s father Pawan Dev” and all the people pray for him. All the gods came to Pawan Dev and the Pawan Dev started flowing pleased by the prayers of those people.

All the gods became happy and gave boons and special powers to Hanuman. . somebody Said that you will “be immortal” ‘you will not be able to submerge in water”, Someone said, Fire will not burn you “and Indra`s thunderbolt will never be able to kill you”. Like this, “You will not be only live for ever, but you will not have any hindrance or problem in this world” It all happened there.

It is said of monkeys that monkeys are monkeys. When Hanuman was a small child, he would go to the ashrams of the sages and make a lot of fuss there. When the sage was doing havan with ghee, Hanuman would pour water from the buckets in the yajna kund. Hanuman would climb the tree with the worship material of the sages.

When Hanuman started making all the nuances, the sages cursed him, you will not remember all the powers you have gained and only when someone will remind you of those powers only then you will remember.” Due to this curse, Hanuman did not knew what powers he had and what he could do. When Jambavant reminded him, he jumped and spoke, “Yes I will do that”.

The Monkey army happily sent Hanuman off. Hanuman had to undergo three trials when he walked towards Lanka. First came up Mount Mainak, which was located inside the sea and thought that Hanuman was going to do the work of Rama. “I will do all possible help, I will raise my head above the sea and let him rest on me for some time because he cannot rest on the water. “Mainak mountain came out of the sea and said, “Your father is my friend, you take some rest”, Hanuman patted the forehead of the mountain and said, “How can I rest till I finish the work of Lord Rama? How can I be hungry?? How can I be thirsty? Please let me go. “And Hanuman went ahead after saying this.

After that the Devats told Sursa, “Hanuman going on a very difficult” campaign, you should go and test him whether he is capable to succeed in the campaign or not. Then Sursa went there in the form of demon and spoke to Hanuman, “I’m so hungry; Will eat you ” Hanuman said, “Mother let me go now when I come back, then I will become your own diet.”

Sursa said, “No no I am not going to be deceived by this. I will eat you.

Hanuman said, “Well what can I do when this is to happen?”? Hanuman said, “Open your mouth I will enter it.”

As Sursa spread her mouth, so did Hanuman increase his body. After this, Hanuman took a short form subtle like a fly came out from her mouth, and said, “I was in your abdomen.”, I was in your stomach. “Sursa said, “my baby, Now I understand that you have full capability to fulfil the task. I have tested you by the will of the gods in which you have succeeded.”

Here Hanuman is again in the role of sankat mochan. The entire Monkey army was in crisis. “We will end our lives if Sita is not detected.” This was their determination. Hanuman protected them and prevented them from doing so.

Everyone said about crossing the sea, “We will not be able to do this; only Hanuman can do this work,” Hanuman did the same and he crossed the sea.

Hanuman entered Lanka. Before locating Sita, he understood the map of Lanka and assessed the security system there. He was taking down every information like a qualified detective. He was carefully collecting all kinds of information no matter how minute it was; Because Hanuman knew that after locating Sita the attack will be immediate on Lanka.

Hanuman thought I should take enough information for my master. Not only about Sita but also about the type of enemy; His military power. Knowledge of the security wall of the city and all the obstacles that must be taken care of at the time of the invasion. He took great care in doing this task. Keeping everything in mind along with he was engaged in the search for Sita.

At the time of Hanuman’s entry into Lanka the city was sleeping, A goddess was awakening as a watchdog at the entrance. When Hanuman was entering Lanka in miniature, she saw Hanuman and said “Why are you going there?”?

Don’t you know that I am Lankini and I was waiting for this moment. ” With Hanuman’s punch, she fell there and became unconscious. Then she got up and bowed to Hanuman and said, “Now I know that you have come as Rama’s messenger. I was also in devyoni.

First Meeting of Dada Mukherjee and Neem karoli baba:

I had received the curse that you will have to live among the demons in Lanka till the messenger of Rama, Hanuman, will come and will strike with his punch on you. Then only you will be freed and your Salvation will be achieved and then you understand that the end of Ravana is near.

Hanuman searches Sita everywhere, he goes inside the fort of Ravana. There were hundreds of women, the chosen beauties of the earth and heaven. They were in a state of sleep and drunk. Some were on the bed and some on the earth below, their clothes were chaotic. They were now aware of their bodies.

Hanuman started looking at them and thinking “No, Sita cannot be amongst them.” Suddenly Hanuman thought that “I am celibate. I do not touch women. I do not see them then how I entered their bedroom who are lying half naked and unconscious? What have I done?

Then Hanuman considered, “Although my eyes saw all this but my psyche did not see. I did not take these scenes to the heart. It was only the visions of the eyes. I was untouched by them and secondly “I didn’t do it for my lust nor did I do it for myself. I have done all this for the work of my master and I should perform my duty”, Thus Hanuman was free from guilt by explaining himself.

Hanuman became desperate by not finding Sita at these places. Yet he said “I will not leave Sita’s search.” Then he remembered the statement of Sampati, “She is in the garden I see her” Hanuman went there.

There was actually a beautiful garden which Ravana had made very beautifully. Sita was there. Hanuman did not go in front of Sita in that form of giant monkey because Sita would get scared and then all done would be in vain. Hanuman took the form of a small monkey and hid in the branches of the tree.

At the same time Hanuman saw that Ravana came there with his assistants and frightened Sita, saying “You become my queen, you will be the main queen among all the queens and my first queen Mandodari will be your servant.” But Ravana’s words had no effect on Sita, Ravana said, “What does Ram have?? He is like a beggar.

He is living at the mercy of others. I have not only the earth but also the kingdom of heaven. Gold, Gems and all splendor are with me. Hearing all this, Sita started saying profanity to Ravana. Ravana said, “Sita hold your foul tongue if you did not agree to me in a month, then I will cut you into pieces and feed my assistants.” Like this he was intimidating Sita, and Hanuman was silently listening to all this.

Sita became tensed and bitter by Ravana’s words and thought that “there is no choice, there is no way, what to do?” Then Sita thought “It would have been better to die than bear all this”.

Sita started thinking in her mind. My hair is long, they should be used by me for hanging from a tree and doing suicide so that it I can be relieved from this humiliation and suffering. Tears started falling from Sita’s eyes and she became sad again.

When Ravana went with his assistants, Hanuman started speaking about Rama’s life saga. He started speaking about what Ram did. What situation is Ram facing after kidnapping of Sita. How helpless Ram is,He not understanding what to do. Laxman is having difficulty in convincing Rama and what to do it after this. There was a treaty between Rama and Sugriva. Hearing all this, Sita said, “Who is this person who is talking about Ram?? Who is that??”Hanuman then comes to the fore, Sita thought that it was a pseudo-piercing detective of Ravana. Hanuman convinced her with great difficulty that he is the messenger of Ram and not detective.

By telling Sita all these things, Hanuman was trying to strengthen Sita’s mental state so that Sita’s self-confidence could become stronger. Then Hanuman gave the ring which Lord Rama gave to Hanuman for identification. Sita then started mourning, she said, “I no longer can tolerate Ravana’s words? Will your master save me??”This sorrow of Goddess Sita was not bearable by Hanuman. He said “I am not able to see your sorrow, I can take you to Rama by slaughtering Ravana. If you want me not to fight or not to slaughter Ravana you should sit on my shoulders and I will take you to Rama by crossing the sea”.

At Hanuman’s behest, Sita said “Son, I will wait for your master to come. You know that Ravana kidnapped me and brought me here when I was helpless. Then I was helpless. Now I am not helpless. So, I cannot touch anyone but only Rama. Voluntarily I cannot touch another man? The second thing is that if you take me like this then it is not right for both us and you. There will be bad name for my master that he is a coward who could not protect his wife. It will be a shame for Rama and he will be defamed which neither you want or I want. We want your master’s spread all around, so we should not do this.”

Hanuman thought that now he should seek information about the military force of Ravana and Ravana himself. Hanuman started eating fruits in that garden and breaking tree. When Ravana’s army came to kill him, Hanuman killed the great warriors, including some of Ravana’s sons Ravana then sent his supremely powerful son Meghnad. Meghnad took out Brahmaastra over Hanuman; But Hanuman did not resist. Brahmaastra had no effect on Hanuman. It could not kill them. Hanuman said, “I must respect the dignity of Brahmastra” so Hanuman became unconscious and allowed himself to be taken away. There was a mistake from the demons here. They thought that they would tie Hanuman with a rope. The rule is that when this type of weapon is used then no other type of weapon should be used and if it is done then the influence of Brahmastra ends on its own. So Hanuman was really free; He was dragged to Ravana’s court

Here Hanuman was sentenced to death by Ravana. When Hanuman was about to be given death sentence, Then Ravana’s brother Vibhishan came there and said, “He is the ambassador; he should not be killed. He has come as representatives of his master, It was his duty to do so. Ravana said that it is okay to “not die but its tail should be burnt.” Ravana made a mistake here. When the cloth was tied in Hanuman’s tail, his tail got longer and longer, one situation came such that the entire Lanka`s cloth was finished. When the tail was set on fire, Hanuman jumped from one place to another and burned the entire Lanka

Suddenly Hanuman was frightened thinking something “Hey, I made a mistake, I burned the whole Lanka. Maybe Sita is also got burnt.”?”At the same time Sita was praying to Agni Dev,” O Agni Dev, if I am a holy woman, if my love is not for anyone other than her husband, then O lord you cannot burn even one hair of Hanuman and save him”, Hanuman survived, the fire didn’t affected him.

Hanuman then met Vibhishan, who was Ravana’s brother, but he was Rama’s ultimate devotee. Friendship took place between the two. Hanuman came to Sita, Sita was very happy to see Hanuman safe after Lanka’s combustion.

Hanuman, took jewellery given by Sita for identification by Rama, and went back. Seeing Hanuman coming back, the apes came back to the life. All apes danced, Sang, Shouted, “Hanuman came, Hanuman came “Some apes who were almost dead from hunger and thirst only knew that Hanuman came back. Thus, the sankat mochan Hanuman once again protected the banners.

Now all the people came to the royal fort of Sugriva. Rama was there. Hanuman gave Sita`s head Jewellery (Ceremonial Scorf) to Rama. Recognizing that jewellery, Rama’s eyes were filled with tears. Rama got emotionally upset. At the very second moment Ram experienced what Hanuman had done for him. Ram said, “Human you did the work for us no person of earth or heaven could do that work. What should I give you in return?? I have nothing so precious that I can be exchanged of given for the favour you did for me”

Look here, lord of the universe; Ram had everything. All the wealth of worlds was available to Ram every moment, But Rama thought it is insufficient to repay Hanuman’s debt, to compensate what Hanuman has done.

See this was the real greatness of a great man. He has full knowledge of every service of his servant- Hanuman – Knowing the dignity of that love and love, Rama said, “I cannot repay Hanuman’s favor”. He said that “I only have these arms” and saying so, Ram lifted Hanuman in his arms; Took them in his embrace.

Tears came to Hanuman’s eyes. The same Hanuman who travelled so hard, suffered so many problems,defeated the big enemies – tears did not come that time in Hanuman’s eyes anywhere. But the same Hanuman started crying with his soft touch in his master’s arms, “Lord! Save me, save me, save me. ” Hanuman said so by filled up sentimentally. Here the love of master and servant is worth seeing.

Ram’s army had reached the sea shore. The bridge was being built on the sea. The soldiers were making bridges by bringing big rocks and trees. Ram was also sitting near the sea and was seeing that people were picking up big rocks and bringing them. They were writing Ram on them and throwing them in the sea. So they started swimming in water. Ram said “I will also throw this rock in the water.” As soon as Ram threw that rock into the water, it immediately drowned. Ram was very surprised.

He told Hanuman, “Hanuman how it happened? When people put stones in water, they float, when I put them in water, they drown. “Hanuman started laughing after hearing this…….. ‘When we write your name on these stones, so you exist in them and so they swim when you throw those stones, then they drown. This is because the one you have left how can it survive; how can it keep swimming? We keep saying Ram-Ram and keep writing Ram-Ram on these stones, So they swim in the water, How could it be otherwise? How can the one be saved whom you leave? You see the same here. “Ram said “Oh! I got it.”

Ram Ravana war was going on. In the war, Meghnad hit Laxman with Brahmastra leaving Laxman unconscious. Ram started to cry seeing Laxman unconscious, “I may or may not find Sita but I cannot return to Ayodhya without Laxman.” Out of sorrow, Ram was mourning very much for brother Laxman. Rama was told that Laxman could be saved if Hanuman brought one herb before sunrise which can also makes the dead person alive. Hanuman goes and get that medicinal herb before sunrise (Sanjeevani bootie) and Lakshman’s life is saved by the it.

Here also Hanuman assisted Rama in the great crisis. Here too Hanuman stands with his master in the role of sankat mochan.

Ram Ravana war was reaching a turning point. Ravana now understood that he was trapped in great adversity. His brother Kumbhkarna and many of his sons even Meghnad was killed. Ravana was completely disappointed, that’s when someone suggested to Ravana – “This is the way Ram and Laxman can get out of the war and win the war.” your cousin, Ahiravana is the king of patal loka. He has great magical powers and is also a great devotee of the goddess. Goddesses come to help him. You go to Ahiravana, he will help you. “Ravana went to his brother Ahiravana and told the whole situation. Hearing all the things, Ahiravana said “very bad thing happened, you did a very wrong thing. Rama is the incarnation of Vishnu and Sita is mother Lakshmi yet you did it. You have to suffer a very bad result.”

Ravana said, “I have not come to ask you for advice. I want you to protect me, if you cannot do that, then I will leave.” Ahiravana said, “You are my brother; I should support you in adversity, so I will help you.”

Now see what happens. When the apes and others arose in the morning, Ram and Laxman were not in the camp. They all started thinking where are the duo. They could not understand what happened. Everyone started crying and getting desperate. Then Vibhishana came there and spoke, “Hanuman; You were at the guard, how did Ram go?? Who could have come here?” Hanuman said, “You were the one who came here, Otherwise I would not let anyone go to Ram’s camp. “Then Vibhishan said, Now I get it. I did not come here. My brother Ahiravana can take any form. He must have come to the aid of Ravana and taken Ram-Lakshmana away.”

Ahiravana was the lord of Patal lok. He took Rama and Laxman there. The problem was how to get there? Everyone thought that only Hanuman can go. Hanuman had difficulty in how to go there? Still Hanuman reached there and went to the goddess whom Ahiravana worshipped.

Ahiravana was engaged in worshiping the goddess. The very offerings and worship material were there. Human sacrific was also to be given that day. Ram Laxman were brought there for sacrifice. Everything was ready. In between, Hanuman came there and it felt as if the goddess and Hanuman had spoken to in very low voice that resulted in Hanuman standing in the place of the goddess by taking the form of the goddess.

Prasad was offered to the goddess at the end of worship. Today whatever Prasad comes before the goddess would eat, She kept eating all that was offered in the prasad, The goddess ate all the offerings of the house and kitchen. Ahiravana wondered why the goddess is so hungry today that whatever offerings are being made are being eaten by her.

Rama and Laxman were brought to the goddess for sacrifice. Laxman now had become hopeless. Ahiravana then said, now, If you have any protector remember him, This is the last time to remember your protector, “Rama said, “We should remember our saviour.” Laxman said, who is our protector? You are our protector but you are gripped in chains. Hanuman is also our protector but how can he come here?” Ram said,” who is that? You are not looking; Hanuman has already reached here?” As soon as Ahiravana took out a sword to kill those people; Hanuman snatched his sword, He killed Ahiravana. And he brought Rama and Laxman back to camp. Here again Hanuman proved to be sankat mochak and also saviour of Ram Laxman.

The war ended. Ram Laxman Sita and Hanuman came Ayodhya. Sita became the Maharani and Rama became the king.

The whole Ayodhya was filled with joy. All the deity, sages and monks used to come to the court of Rama. Rivers of milk and curd were flowing all around. There was no fear; There was no danger; people did not feel sad; There was no famine and death, Ram’s kingdom was an ideal state – there was no poor; Nobody was hungry.

Two profession people were unemployed there, although they were also not hungry. At first there were doctors – when there was no disease, then the doctors would remain unemployed. There were other lawyers – when there were no disputes, there were no fights, there was no mutual discord, then the lawyers would go unemployed.

The kingdom of Rama was the ideal state. Where the people lived with dignity and honour. Hanuman was always with Sita like a small child. wherever she goes, whatever she did, he was with Sita like a little child and kept asking her various questions throughout the day. He had no interference or interest with the activities of the Raj Durbar or the state.

One day Hanuman saw that Sita was putting auspicious bindi(beauty spot) on her forehead, Hanuman asked, “Mother, why are you doing this??”Sita said,” Hey you’re a little kid right now, you won’t know? “

 “No mother, no mother! You tell! You have to tell me. “Then Sita replied, “I am applying this for the good fortune of your master, long life and prosperity.”

Now see what happens? Hanuman goes to the Bazaar and buys many sacks of vermilion and many drums of Ghee. He mixed both and applied on his body and not left any limbs from the fingernail to the crest. Apply sindoor to the brow and nail of the head. When Hanuman comes to the court in the same way People from all over the assembly started laughing. People started saying “Look at the monkey, it is monkey. Someone has asked.”, “Why did you do this??”

” Why? Why? Do I not love my master?? Do I not want their prosperity and long life?? Sita Ma says that this increases Swami’s prosperity and opulence, Then I thought that I would put it in my whole body so that my master has more opulence, may there be greater prosperity and more and more long-life. ” Everyone was laughing but Ram was getting emotional with Hanuman’s love and devotion.

Ram said, “From now onwards anyone who wants to please Hanuman or want something from him he should offer Ghee and Sindoor mixture on Hanuman`s body, they should offer Sindoor. This is for Hanuman; This makes Hanuman happy. “You must have noticed that the Hanyuman mandirs have mixture sindoor ghee in Hanuman’s idols. Apart from some very good temples, which are marble statues, silver or bronze, in the rest the idols which are made of stone, the sindoor and ghee coating is definitely applied.

Now the day also came when all the kings and others who came to Ayodhya; were ready to go back. Sugriva, Vibhishan and all others had to return. Gifts in the form of Gold Silver Diamonds were being offered at the time of farewell. All kinds of appropriate gifts were being given to all. Sita had a valuable necklace around her neck; Which she repeatedly touches and looks at Rama. Rama said, “Give this necklace to the person you want to give.”

Sita said, “Why should I tell you whom I want to give this to? You have already decided to whom, it should be given.” In fact Sita wanted to give that necklace to Hanuman, she put that necklace in Hanuman’s neck.

Everyone saw the necklace and appreciated it. They said how lucky is Hanuman he got this valuable necklace of Sita but Hanuman was looking at this necklace from another point of view.

He would take out a piece from the necklace; Break it with teeth; See something in it, and then he would throw it away. Everyone was very surprised to see Hanuman doing this. Vibhishan said, “after all monkeys are monkeys. What else can they do. That’s when someone asked Hanuman, “Why are you doing this??”

Hanuman said, “I see that Ram’s name is written in it or not. When I see that Ram’s name is not written in them, then these are very priceless ornaments for me. These may be diamond-pearl for you; but Are useless for me. “

Vibhishan said, “You have such a huge body, has Ram-nam written in it?”

“Yes of course. If not, I will give up the body.” By saying this, Hanuman tore his chest. People saw that Ram and Sita are seated in his heart. A stream of blood started flowing from the body. Ram came and embraced Hanuman. Ram’s body and clothes were filled with the blood of Hanuman. Immediately Hanuman’s blood stopped flowing and the wound was filled.

Whatever you want to say to Hanuman he never paid any attention to – he was engaged in Rama’s work. You can kill him, can abuse him, can satirize him but he never pays attention. He had only one focus or goal, “I have to do the work of my master and I always have to be ready to do every task of my master” This was his purpose.

Now I do not want to extend the plot any more. Only one two things would like to talk about Hanuman which are necessary. The importance of Rama’s name was to be established on earth, it was to be established that Rama’s name is so powerful that any person who is taking the name Rama — no matter how big a sinner or criminal, he is released from sin.

Also, Rama’s Brahmastra cannot kill him. Any person who is taking Rama’s name; Ram himself cannot kill him.

Rama’s work on earth was about to end. All the plays were going to end. Rama was about to leave this world. Which meant that the world would be deprived of Rama and his teachings. The world would have been deprived of Rama’s mercy, care and his devotion. A support was needed to protect the generation ahead, so that man can protect himself from all kinds of evils and sins. All these things were being considered how to find a way out. A way was thought and Hanuman accomplished this work and the narrator was – Narada.

Many monk-saints daily in Rama’s court; many sages used to come. Rama was also present in the court. Similarly, one day many sadhus-sant and kings of many countries were present in the court. At the same time king of Banaras was also coming to the court. Narada, a devotee of Lord Vishnu, also came there at the same time and he called king of Banaras and told him, “You are going to Ram’s Raj-Darbar, you will bow down to everyone” Okay; Greetings to all but the not to saint vishwamitra do not pay any attention to him,do not bow down to him. do not greet them. ” –

Kashiraj said, “How is this possible?? He is the living fire crest and “sage, how can I ignore him.”? How can I insult them??

‘Hey; No no, you do as you are told, you do not need to be afraid. “Kashi-Naresh goes to the court. He greats all saints and sages there but ignore Saint Vishwamitra. Others also did not pay any attention towards this.

Vishwamitra understood that he had been dishonoured in the entire royal court. It happened when everyone sat on their respective seats and Vishwamitra asked Rama “What would you do if someone in your court or in your kingdom insulted the monk saint or deity?” Rama said” I will immediately kill the person; destroy him “Then he said,” The king of Kashi respected everyone, bowed to all but ignored me; insulted me. “

Ram became angry as soon as he heard this because such inexplicable indecency was done in his court ‘He declared, “I will kill the Kashi king before sunset.”

Kashi Naresh was very nervous when Rama said this and he came out of the Raj court. He knew that death was near. His life was limited to sunset. Kashiraj told Narada, “What did you do it, now you have to save me. “I can’t save you anymore though I asked you to do the same; But I did not know that such a situation would come. You will have to go to Hanuman’s mother Anjana immediately, she will save you. You go there, bow to her and take her promise that she will protect you. only in this way can you save yourself.”

Kashi Naresh went there, fell on the mother’s feet. A mother is a mother afterall. She picked up Kashi Raj and said, “My child why are you so upset?”

He said, “Mother give me the promise that you will give what I ask,” Yes I promise, I will give you, first tell me. ” Kashi Naresh again asked for assurance from his mother. Mother said, “Yes, I will give the what you will ask.”

Then he told all their problems that he did and Ram said that he will kill me before sunset. “

Now Mother understood the whole thing “Oh! How can I do? how did i pledge it?  How do I save him? How can one be saved if Ram is against him?” She got into a problem; got into trouble. Then she remembered Hanuman

Hanuman said to Ram, “My mother is remembering me; can I go?”

Ram said, “Yes, you must go: Mother is remembering you and yes; do not bow down to her from your own side but also bow to her from my side, because she is my mother too. “Rama used to respect Mother Anjana so much. Hanuman gets there; Mother was very sad. Kashi Naresh was also there. Mother said, “My son! There has been an unprecedented crisis in my life, so I have called you. His life depends on my vows. I inadvertently made a vow that stuck me in a dilemma. Now only by saving them will I be able to fulfil my vow. “

Hanuman said, “Mother you have taken a very difficult task; Yet Hanuman said, something will be done.”

Hanuman is a sankat mochak- remover of crisis, he also has to fulfil his mother’s vow and protect Kashi-Raj’s life

Rama had left the kingdom of Ayodhya – to fulfil the pledge made by his father to Kaikayi. Rama did this for his father’s vows’. When Dasaratha himself said, “I will break my bow, “You don’t go to the forest. Laxman said, “I will beat them with arrows, I will kill them “, I will make them captive. You do not go to the forest. “

Ram said, “No I must go. I must cooperate with my father in “fulfilling him in fulfilling his vow.”

Rama had Hanuman as his right hand. Hanuman was thinking “I have to protect my mother’s vow.”

“Hanuman came to Ram like a master servant and said,” Swami; let me ask you for something ‘and Hanuman stood next

Ram said “What is the thing in the human world that I did not give you?? And what is it that I cannot give you.”

Hanuman said “Lord, give me the boon that someone who is taking your name can be killed neither by the power of the earth nor of heaven and neither can I kill him, neither can Brahma kill him and the one who is taking your name will become as powerful as your name. Just as no power of the earth can destroy you, similarly you give a boon that no power can destroy your name. “Rama gave a boon with pleasure to hear Hanuman’s prayer.

Hanuman went to Kashi Naresh and said “Come with me.” ! Walk with me to the banks of Saryu. Hanuman put Kashiraj in the Saryu waters and said “Go say Ram Ram Ram and take care that this sequence should not break for a single moment.”.

The palce where Hanuman was doing all this, the monks-saints, the sages, the muni, the gods all came there. Sita and the palace’s mothers also came there to see what was going on “?”

It was evening, Sun was going towards west. Rama sent the first arrow to kill Kashiraja. But he was saying Ram Ram so the arrow could not reach Kashi Naresh. That arrow again returns to Rama’s quiver. Rama’s anger blazed “this how possible. One of my arrows can burn the entire body and ashes; How did it come back?’

Ram propitiated second arrow ant that too came back. Ram became very worried, “I must go there, and sees Hanuman is standing there “Rama said” I will kill them. I have pledged, And I will complete it. I will protect the reputation and honour of that great sage. I will maintain the dignity of the post of king.

 The king of which throne gives away his everything and even sacrifices his life and protects the rule and protects justice. ” On Ram`s reaching there, all the sage Muni gods started thinking—”What is going to happen? This war is happening between the master and the servant. This is a battle for the existence of Rama and Hanuman. The actual war was taking place between these two. The situation was very complicated

Rama’s Guru Vashistha said to Vishwamitra “You are looking at this strange situation. Now you go to Rama and say that you have no complaint with Kashiraja.” Vishwamitra came to Rama and said, “Lord Rama! I am completely satisfied with the devotion of Kashi-Nresh. He is standing in the waters of Saryu and is saying Ram Ram Ram. He has lived up to the point of my expectation. Please forgive them, I have forgiven them. “

Ram said, “Muniver if you have forgiven Kashiraj then I have no objection to him.” Thus, Hanuman established the glory of the name Ram for the subsequent period.

Now I will end this conversation with a short story. This story is written in books; But it has significance for me because this story was told by Babaji verbally to me. Jagannathapuri is a famous shrine. There is a famous temple of Lord Jagannath, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu by the sea. At the same time Hanuman ji also has a temple in which Hanuman ji`s legs are tied with iron chains; So that he cannot run away.

Its story goes like this. When Lord Jagannath, came to Jagannathapuri and wanted to live there, then the sea water entered their temple, there was difficulty in how God lived in the temple. Then the gods pondered and came to the idea that only Hanuman could stop the sea water. They went to Hanuman and said, “Jagannathji is Vishnu, Vishnu is also Rama, so when Rama is there, you should also stay there and you see that the sea water is entering the temple. You have to stop the sea. “

Hanuman said okay I will stay there. Since then, the entry of sea water ceased to be in the temple. After many days one day the sea water was filled again in the temple. Everyone got worried. How did it happen that when Hanuman was there how water got inside the premises? Did Hanuman lost interest? Thinking like this, when they went there, they saw Hanuman was not there. After a short wait Hanuman came there and was ashamed. People asked him, “Where did you go.”?”

“I went to Ayodhya.”


“These people offer me rice every day, Which I do not like, So I went to Ayodhya to eat laddus. “Then it was decided that an iron chain should be tied in their feet first and laddus be arranged daily for offerings.

I think I should end here now. Took a lot of your time…… You liked it, it’s my pleasure.

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