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neem karoli baba footprints on the wall
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neem karoli baba miracles: his footprints

Neem karoli baba miracles: His footprints are all over the places in the Red House, the home of dada Mukherjee.

An Experience “foot prints” Darshan’


I returned from the office that day at 5.20 pm. Seeing some movement in the house, I realized that some new miracle has been shown by Poojya Maharaj ji. Neem karoli baba miracles as always.

Rama, Bhagwati, Amitabh etc. went to see. Bhabhi Ji (daughter-in-law of Shri Rajuda) had come to visit at the same time. As soon as Professor Sahab opened the room of Poojya Maharaj Ji at 4.30 pm, three fingers and the heel mark was visible on the biscuit-coloured sheet on the left side of the picture of the feet placed on his tucket.

It was not clearly visible in the light of the bulb. By turning off the lights and throwing the torch diagonally, it was clearly visible. I also saw them. In this way, Maharaj Ji always keeps making his presence felt to us.

I informed all the devotees that they should come and have darshan. It was thought that ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ should be recited collectively in the evening. After that ‘Ram Dhun’ also happened. At the same time, our neighbour Shri Bhargava sahib, the banshi baba from Vrindavan, was playing beautiful bhajans on his flute and also used to do beautiful kirtans in between, and attract the attention of the people because everything could be heard from the kitchen.

But here in Ramdhun Sarovar, all the devotees were diving in awe. No one’s attention went there. I used to come to the kitchen every now and then to prepare food, so I used to hear the sound of the melodious flute as well. I personally recited Sunderkand. Thereafter Prasad was distributed to all the devotees present. For a moment the following questions disturbed the mind:

  1. Why only three toes were shown?
  2. Why was the orange color used in the foot print?
  3. Why was the heel shown with the fingers?
  4. What is the feeling of feet after seeing?
  5. If yes, what is the sign of the left leg?

Neem karoli baba miracles: Foot prints darshan again

August 1976

Poojya Maharaj ji left the earthly body on September 10, 1973 in Shri Vrindavan Dham. We got Ravi Khanna’s telegram on the second day at 4:00 pm. As soon as I returned from the school, Professor Sahib told us but we could not believe that the revered Maharaj Ji had left the body.

At that time my sister Ashoka had also come to Allahabad. To confirm the veracity of this telegram, we made a phone call to Vrindavan from the place of our neighbour Shri Upadhyay (Advocate). Also called Mr. Burman of Delhi.

There his son Daman said that it is true that mother, father has gone to Vrindavan, hearing that Mrs. Soni and Mr. Soni have also gone, we decided that everyone should go to Mathura at night from Upper India and then from there to Vrindavan. In the car we were accompanied by Mr. Rajiv Pandey, Mr. Mukund Joshi, Mr. Raghunandan Pant, Govind Nagar, Ashoka (sister) and our milkman Kutul.

After getting down at Hathras, on 12-09-1973, we left for Mathura by bus. On reaching near Mathura, a whole bus full of women was coming from the other side, in which Jayanti didi, Siddhi didi and familiar women were also seen. Seeing all this, like lightning in the mind, different types of questions started revolving in the mind. like –

  1. Why is everyone returning?
  2. Whether cremation took place or not
  3. By which ritual the cremation was done
  4. Did all the hill women leave the burning pyre?
  5. Are they carrying the mortal remains with them?

Until we reach Vrindavan, the solution to these questions will not come out, the mind remained fickle.

As soon as we all reached inside the Vrindavan Shri Hanuman ji temple, it came to know that Siddhi didi, Jayanti didi left the burning pyre with all the hill brothers and went into a rage on the very next day.

According to the Hindu classical method, after performing the funeral ceremony of their elders in any Hindu house, no person of the family goes out before three days, after the pyre is calm, they leave the house only after the ashes have flowed on the third day.

For what reason this is done, I have not found the answer even after thinking about it.

On the third day the ashes of the pyre were filled in 3-4 urns and sent to Sangam (Prayag), Kainchi, Haridwar. On coming to Allahabad, Shri Mukund Joshi placed a copper urn on a small post in the room of Poojya Maharaj Ji, which should be flown into the Sangam on the second day.

I was getting this inspiration again and again that all the devotees should be informed about this so that all the devotees were present there while flowing the Kalash. The only way to do this work quickly was that fortunately a reporter lived nearby who used to work in Amrit Bazar magazine.

I talked to him on the second day on 14-09-1973, he posted under News Item that the ashes of Poojya Maharaj ji’s body will be immersed at 11.00 am at Sangam.

As soon as the information was received, all the devotees were present on 4 Church Lane Allahabad by rickshaws and vehicles. The whole atmosphere reverberated with the sound of Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. Shri Mukund Joshi (A.G. Office) placed the Kalash on his shoulders and all of us devotees started towards the Sangam.

At this time there was immense water in the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. The ashes were kept in a boat and we sat down. All other devotees sat in other boats. It took a long time for the shaky boats to reach the Sangam.

There came the matter of performing Pind Daan. On this, Pandey told the professor that the saints whose sons are not present, then only the dearest disciple of the saint has the right to donate the body of his saint-guru. Saying this, Pandey gave Pind Daan laddus in the hands of Prof. Saheb which was offered to the Guru with chanting of mantras.

After that the urn was flown. After taking bath, Prof. Saheb and other devotees came back at home. Nanhe Babu, Dhunni Babu, Shri Ishwar Chand Tiwari, Guru Dutt Sharma and other devotees were also present on this occasion.

All the visiting devotees were sent off by feeding them puris and vegetables.

On 14-09-1973, the idea of ​​placing a picture of the feet of Poojya Maharaj, which was drawn by Balram, on his tucket, was thought by Prof but it was difficult to keep it without framing the picture.

There was also a Black Out that day. But Prof. Saheb asked his nephew Shri Vibhuti to get it framed from Civil Lines. He brought the framed photo around 8 o’clock. Since then the picture of the feet was placed on the tucket of Poojya Maharaj ji facing south.

After retiring from bath etc., Prof. Sahab offers flowers and bows in front of his feet in the morning. Gradually the number of these flowers started increasing. This work is done with great diligence and promptness. In the beginning, flower decoration was done in a simple way but gradually the flower decoration became complex.

The shape also generally became like a garland. But with the complexity, cutting and selection of flowers and leaves started taking more time. The work of collecting flowers was done by Kutal and Umesh servants.

By 9.30 pm, my mother-in-law and mother-in-law (Mashi Maa) have finished their puja and take their seats to prepare the kitchen. In the morning the kitchen is prepared by the mother and Mashi Maa chops and washes the vegetables selectively. Evening kitchen Mashi ma prepares.

At this time, Prof. Saheb, after retiring from bath etc., takes care of sorting and collecting flowers. Just then the nephew gives the voice “Bodo mama cha hoy gaya chhe.” This is the second time tea is made, then all the family members gather and drink tea.

Prof. Saheb looks so busy and disturbed at this time that somehow after finishing the tea, he should be fully engaged in his work (flower decoration). At the same time, I also come to the kitchen to have food before preparing to go to school because I have to leave only at 9.45 am.

While leaving, I go to pay obeisance to Poojya Maharaj Ji, then I see that Prof. Saheb is bowing down and planting selected flowers and after getting a little crooked, he is straightening the flowers in the design with a thin hook. Such unparalleled devotion and tenacity are rarely seen.

Flowers are used according to the flowers of interest and season. According to internal inspiration, the designs are made in new ways and perspectives. Designs are getting complicated day by day.

Since October 6, 1973, “Ram” has been written with flowers in the middle of the design. Sometimes the word ‘Rama’ is visible from flowers in many places in many ways. Many times, at the time of applying and at the end, Prof. Sahib asks like an innocent child –

“How many ‘Ram’ have been written” Then he himself shows by keeping the finger – “Here is Ra – – – – I.” This is Ra – – – I.” This is Ram Ram. By showing this way, one experiences supreme bliss. Since October 1973, the shape of the feet along with the name of Ram is also been made with flowers.

Symbolic Feet are made from flowers and leaves. Initially, the shape of the steps was big but gradually they started becoming smaller.

Making these pairs of steps is a very difficult and complicated task because it is very difficult to cut and decorate the leaves of croton uniformly so that both the steps look similar in size.

After seeing these feet and showing them to the devotees, Prof. Saheb was heard saying that “all things are achieved by holding the feet of the Guru.” They are ecstatic and rejoice. It is worth mentioning on such an occasion that when Prof. Saheb, while working in this way, used to chant Ram-Ram and decorate flowers, then the footprints of Poojya Maharaj ji become visible just by raising his eyes. I did not lower my head to lift the flower down that I did not see the footprints.

Whenever there is a darshan of foor print in this way, all the family members are called and made to do darshan. Information is given to all the devotees of the neighbourhood that come and have darshan. After that Prasad is distributed to everyone.

In Poojya Maharaj Ji’s room, the footprints on the throne and the fingers of the palm are visible at any time. Sometimes their shape was small and sometimes it was big. All this is nothing but neem karoli baba miracles which he showed to us every now and then.

Sometimes they are seen together and sometimes together. In this way, Poojya Maharaj Ji keeps on making his presence felt through flower decorations and footprints.

The colourful pictures of this flower decoration are made regularly by Mrs Ji, which have been kept in the album according to the date for the perusal of the devotees.

Till this time 3500 designs have been made which have been kept in 80-82 albums. On 16th, 11th, 1976 Tuesday, the footprints which appeared on Takhat were different from other days.

Neem karoli baba Miracles: Footprints at different places


Since 1965, the footprints, palm and fingers are sometimes equally visible anywhere on the plank as per their wish. Sometimes small and sometimes big. Similarly, once in the house Shri Krishna Chand Tiwari V.P. Birla college Nainital had come.

Dasaratha, Chaitanya, Mary Ann (girl) and a woman named Joan had come with him from Canada. That day was Tuesday. After the kirtan, some devotees drank tea and went away after gossiping. All the devotees took the prasad. Foreign devotees and Mr. Tiwari had their food too. We also ate food. The foreign devotees went to rest.

Professor Sahib (dada) Mr. Tiwari and I were talking while sitting in the verandah. Shri Tiwari ji said that “Here Baba ji is present in every particle.” While talking, Shri Tiwari looked at the canvas screen in the verandah and was surprised that two white footprints stained with lime appeared on the green screen. have come.

Devotees like Dasharatha, Chaitanya, Mary Ann etc. were awakened by knocking on the door. Those people were also shocked to see the amazing thing happening: the Neem karoli baba miracles.

Mary Ann immediately clicked a photo of the same. she sent me a copy of the same which is in the album.

Neem karoli baba miracles: footprints in the study room


Once upon a time, a foreign girl had come to our place, she used to write and read something all day.

She met Professor Sahib (Dada) went he had gone to America. One day in the evening Ravidas (exclusive devotee of Poojya Maharaj Ji) came here. Dada and we all were very happy to see him.

He started the work of solving the problems of the countrymen in Alaska (a country located in the north of America) in a court manner. Ravidas is a Law Graduate from Harvard University.

In the year 1972, in Kaichi, he took the initiative of serving tea in the morning/evening to all the devotees and doing other services. When we used to rest in the afternoon, Ravidas would sometimes prepare flower beds outside, sometimes he would fill water when there was no water in the bathroom.

He used to prepare and send food for Poojya Maharaj in the afternoon and clean hundreds of leftover glasses. Work is Worship for them.

As soon as he came, Dada Ji entered the study room holding his hand and saw Sumitra writing something on Dada Ji’s table. Introducing her to Sumitra, as soon as she looked towards the corner, two light brown footprints appeared on the two walls.

The characteristic of these foot signs was that the right foot symbol was inscribed on the left wall and the left foot symbol on the right wall. All the devotees got this good fortune to realize the presence of Poojya Maharaj Ji and be happy.

As soon as I saw these footprints, my conscience said that now Ravidas will be a judge in Alaska.

Ravidas took the picture of the footprints which are currently in the album. Shortly after returning from here, he became the judge.

Ravidas’s invitation also came that both of us should be present at his Oath Taking Ceremony.

Ravidas stayed in Kaichi for many years. Even after leaving Poojya Maharaj Ji’s body, cleaning Poojya Maharaj Ji’s samadhi, cleaning his room, planting vegetables on the farm and carrying potatoes on his back, he did everything with the same zeal.

All work for him was Service for the Guru/Lord. Such selfless people are rarely seen. Guru’s grace remains on such devotees. He is currently in Alaska with his wife Esther and two daughters.

Neem karoli baba Miracles: footprints in the bathroom

July 29, 1988

Today is Friday and also Guru Purnima. 4 Church Lane – It was given the name ‘Lal Makaan’ by Maharaj ji. Poojya Maharaj Ji used to call it “my home”. Here the recitation of Sunderkand and Bhandara of Poojya Maharaj ji takes place again and again in the year.

In this Bhandara, local people collectively recite Sundarkand along with Tabla, Harmonium. This recitation is done for the first time on Ram Navami, for the second time on October 12, for the third time on January 14, Sankranti and for the fourth time on Guru-Purnima. When Poo Maharaj was in 4 Church Lane (his home) in 1972, he had the Sunderkand recited on a large scale and distributed prasad to all the foreign devotees and other devotees.

At that time 76 foreign devotees were here who used to get pleasure from receiving prasad, doing kirtan and listening to the discussion of Poojya Maharaj Ji. Shri Ramdas was the main devotee among these devotees.

After Chaitra ki Ashtami in 1972, Poojya Maharaj Ji went to Kainchi. Only after that when we went to Kaichi in the heat, Baba started saying, “Dada I will come to go to Allahabad again. By coming, again and again, the attachment increases.” Saying ‘ok Baba’, Dada fell silent. Again the winter season came but Poojya Maharaj did not come.

We went to Kainchi during the summer vacation of 1973, probably returned on August 11, 1973. Only after this, on September 10, 1973, Chaturdashi, Poojya Maharaj Ji took samadhi. After this, to make an impression of his presence, sometimes the footprints on the sheet lying on his tucket and the palm and fingers of the hands come.

Once, small steps of two sinduri colours appeared on the sheet. Even after washing the sheet, the full colour did not go away. That sheet was given to Shri Inder ji. Similarly, two or three times the mark of oil appeared on the pillow which remained for many days. After washing, the stain got cleared.

This time again Smt. Nandrani Chaturvedi and Sushma Duve came to the Bhandara on 29th July 1988. These people have been contributing fully in the work of distributing prasad by coming to all the stores. Both of them are teachers. On July 29, all of us family members received Prasad at twelve o’clock in the night.

After talking for a few moments, we went to sleep. Nandrani and Sushma etc slept in the upstairs rooms. Nandrani wakes up every morning and touches the feet of Poojya Maharaj ji’s picture in Etawah. When she got up here too, she saw in the rooms that there was no picture of Poojya Maharaj ji, so she went to the bathroom without bowing down.

As soon as she entered, she saw that the entire right foot sign had come in the right wall, so she bowed down to foot print of Maharaj ji with her lap, due to which the dust fell, but the footprint remained as it is. 2nd August was Tuesday. The devotees were taken upstairs and they got the darshan of the foot print of neem karoli baba.

Everyone unanimously said that the left foot is easily done, but the way the right foot is marked on the right wall, it is difficult, only Poojya Maharaj ji can do it.

Many sages also used to come to see Baba ji. Many sadhus came in this way even after leaving the body. When a saint from Madhya Pradesh was seeing the footprints on the wall of Poojya Maharaj ji, a devotee asked, “Why should these footprints come on the wall itself?” In response, he said, “If there were prints on the ground, then our feet would have fallen on it and they would have disappeared and their purity would have been destroyed.”

Neem Karoli Baba turned Ganges water into Milk:

Neem karoli baba miracles footprints all around
Neem karoli baba miracles footprints all around

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